The runanganui comprises of Paul Madgwick (Chairman), Fayne Robinson (Deputy Chair), Melvyn Wilson, Kathleen Langi, Kahurangi Mahuika, Rachael Forsyth, Steve McLaren, Richard Wallace (Upoko) and Susan Wallace (TRoNT Rep) and Kara Edwards (Alt TRoNT Rep).
Rachael Forsyth
Kathleen Langi
Kahurangi Mahuika
The komiti comprises of Kara Edwards (chairperson), Paul Madgwick, Jackie Douglas, Richard Wallace and Kahurangi Mahuika.
The komiti discuss, assess and respond to territorial and local authorities and DoC RMA consents, applications and concessions as well as statutory and non-statutory plans made within our takiwā.
This komiti comprises of Fayne Robinson (Chairman), Tutoko Wallace-Jones (Deputy Chair), Gene Wilson, Scotty Mills, Richard Wallace, Paul Madgwick and Melvyn Wilson.
The komiti is currently reviewing the Makaawhio Pounamu Manangement Plan.
Susan Wallace (Tiamana), Kara Edwards, Kathleen Langi, Rachael Forsyth, Paul Madgwick, Richard Wallace and Nikita Te Whata.
Creating an environment that encourages our people to fully participate in every level of Mātauraka.
Komiti consists of Shannon Mahuika, Paul Madgwick (chairman), Melvyn Wilson, Susan Wallace, Helen Rasmussen and Richard Wallace.
Our marae is the proud expression of Ngāti Māhaki and will play a pivotal role in the life of our hapū and the West Coast Community
Makaawhio Representative: Susan Wallace
Makaawhio Alternative Representative: Kara Edwards